Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 2011 Pictures!

April was a bit of an uneventful month. We had enough good weather to play outside and grill some burgers a couple of times, but it can still get cold enough to snow. At least we are getting a lot of needed rain and our grass is green again. Kylie got to bake he first loaf of bread and she was very proud. Austin keeps learning about dinosaurs and talks to EVERYONE about them. Jason keeps getting big and is starting to expand his vocabulary a little. He is teething again, so he hasn't been the easiest to deal with lately. The kids enjoyed Easter as they do every year. We don't think Jason had a clue of what was going on, but he enjoyed opening the eggs and finding treats. He caught on with that very quickly. The kids are getting ready to finish up school later in the month. We hope to take them to a museum later and camping too. Then we will go to Hawaii and have some fun with them. Ariel continues to play a lot of soccer and Jolynn is still training for some races and going back to BYU to finish her degree, which is close.

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